Unfortunately, Charter has passed thru a couple of reorganizations, and there are no known public records of all serial numbers. 38 Special Undercover serial number 311078?
What is the corporate charter number? What is the age of a Charter Arms. How old is your charter arms undercover serial number 87271? A typical Charter Arms Undercover is about $150-$200. We cannot tell model number from the serial number. What is value of charter 38 spl sn1126542? There is no public listing of serial number/ year ranges forCharter Arms, but if you call Charter at 20, give themyour serial number, they can tell you. I just went and looked at my two Charter Arms Pathfinders in 22LR.Both have the Bridgeport address with a serial number range of 2804XX.Both of mine were bought used at a local gunshop and appeared unfired when I bought them.I put one away and have been shooting the other one.I was getting some miss fires at first,so I ordered a couple of new. Serial Number 18-71152 -.Click for more info. Matte stainless snub in excellent condition. Browse all new and used Charter Arms Revolvers for sale and buy with confidence from.